This set of forty, wipe-clean dominoes is designed to reinforce the sight words and sentence patterns found in the set of six readers 'WOW! I Can Read' Set 2 - Yellow.
The dominoes can be used at two levels of development. Perceptual finding and matching the two halves of each picture. The formation and reading of simple sentences using picture clues. As the dominoes are self-correcting, minimal adult supervision is required. They can be used as an individual matching activity or played in a similar manner to traditional dominoes. 'WOW! I Can Read' dominoes can be played by 2 6 children.
Words for Practice:
A, am, an, and, big, do, for, happy, have, I, if, in, is, like, little, me, my, play, said, the, this, were, when, who, will, with, would, you.